welcome to ruf-ruf.neocities.org

For any questions, inquiries, etc., the fastest way to reach us would be by using this method:
Reaching us through instagram (via DM's)

YO! So, you may be thinking, wtf is this... well, this is the official website for RUF sk8boards. This website is handcrafted with love and delicate care for your enjoyment. We hope you'll find something here that you like and find interesting.

February 25, 2024
Best Day YET
Today was flipping AWESOME! As we all already know, this week was absolutely horrible, to the point where not only skaters were sad, but even normal people—the people you skate past—were fricking sad too (rain = pain). Waking up this morning was just... beautiful. The sun was shining in my eyes, I took a look out my window, and the flat was fricking dry! As soon as I saw this, I had to ring up my homies. So, it was about 14:00 when the RUF team met up at Maxla. At first, Maxla was pretty empty, but at about 15:00, Maxla was full of skaters. It almost felt like it was 2020-2021 (those who were at Maxla at this time know what I'm talking about).

We stayed at Maxla till about 16:00. The RUF team had to make a hard decision, and we decided to say bye bye to Maxla and go check out Hanza. I was pretty amazed at how it looked because I hadn't skated it after the fences. Now there's a kick-ass hill bomb and another 3 stair. We managed to film some clips there (some pretty sick clips; the RUF team's cooking something up). Okay, so, we had some good laughs and shitty falls, but all in all, the day was absolutely awesome.

We hope you took your skateboard and went out to breathe some air, touch some grass, and do some flips. Hopefully you had as much of an awesome day as we had.

Say something!

What Is RUF?

We are a young-head skater collective located in Riga, Latvia. We love skateboarding and love the scene that comes with it. Not taking skateboarding too serious. Making videos for the scene.